#PeopleofCLE: Isaiah, trying a new career path

Isaiah PressmanIsaiah Pressman

Northeast Ohio is changing. These are the people shaping its future.

Our 12th installment:


Isaiah Pressman lives in Cleveland Heights and studied vocal performance at St. Olaf College in Minnesota. He continues to sing at Garfield Memorial United Methodist church, but a change in plans landed him a job at the Cleveland Clinic doing research and coding. “Although I was technically studying voice performance in college, I was also doing coding and research projects on the side. I was part of a neuroscience lab that was doing research on parasitic flies. So I was doing data analysis there and also just on my own for fun, taking classes that looked interesting. At some point, I think junior year, I was feeling unsure of my future career path and I was just chatting with somebody. We were talking about our interests and things. And I was mentioning how I had this sort of dilemma where I was pursuing voice performance but also really interested in this other thing and thinking I might want to pursue that, but not sure what to do. And they were like you should just do it. And I was like that’s a fair point, maybe I should.” #peopleofcleveland #peopleofcle

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Nicky Grusenmeyer
Nicky Grusenmeyer

About the Author: Nicky Grusenmeyer

Nicky Grusenmeyer is a Cleveland native and junior at Cleveland State University. She is a reporter and ad manager for the CSU student newspaper, the Cleveland Stater. She has shadowed and worked closely with the Channel 5 news staff. She specializes in science writing, with an emphasis on environmental issues.